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Life Lesson Processing Theory Tour
Subject Illiteracy
Subject Illiteracy
Subject illiteracy is a term coined by the American mental trainer Alan C. Walter for the inability to perceive and think in an area because of a lack of information.
General illiteracy can mean either the complete inability to read and write, or the person has theoretically learned to read and write, but cannot come to a conceptual understanding by reading a written text - for whatever reason - too many misunderstood words, too little practice in reading and then applying, brain problems, whatever. The latter would be functional illiteracy rather than literal illiteracy (don't you love these puns...)
Ah, lemmings! It's soooo comfortable to float with the current...
Now in subject illiteracy the person can read and write and also learn from written text, but we have apparent stupidity or irrational behaviour in one specific area, which completely cleans up without any processing as soon as the person gets educated in the area. Typically this would be areas where there was no school education, like lovemaking, nutrition, ecology - or spirituality for that matter.
Life Lesson Processing (LLP) practitioners are trained to recognize areas of subject illiteracy in their client. They will coach him how to catch up with any missing steps in education or training.
The worst effect of subject illiteracy is in areas where the prevalent morphic field has it wrong (or is subject illiterate itself). Here the client has first to learn the subject as such, and then he has to learn to swim against the current of society, so that he does not drown with the lemmings.
It can be done - the green ("save the ecology") movement is one example -, but it really requires courage and persistence.
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Last edited: 13.01.2016